Volunteer Information Sessions
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! InterAct is currently not accepting volunteer applications for program volunteers or interns. In April 2022, we will be updating our application process. Please check back for postings of open volunteer opportunities at that time.
- Court Navigator
- Crisis Line Volunteer
- Sexual Assault Response Advocate (SARA)
Click here to read more about these – and other – roles and to see if one (or more!) might be a good fit. If you are interested in any non-program volunteer roles, please know that these are mostly on hold, but that you’re welcome to reach out via the email address below if you have questions.
A 20-Hour Core Training is required for all program volunteer roles.
Please check back for open volunteer positions. If you have any questions you may reach out to volunteer@interactofwak1.wpenginepowered.com. If your application is accepted, we will contact you to set up an interview. This will be followed by reference calls and a background check before you can officially be considered for the 20-Hour Core training.
We could not do the important work of serving survivors without the dedication of volunteers.